The Lemur's Tale
Hand Painted on silk - 31" x 42"
Take Courage Leo
Photograph by Ben Pastore.
Confetti background, Painted, Applique, Free-motion quilted -35"x37"
His eye reflects the African Savana
Vermont Scenes
These small Vermont scenes have confetti backgrounds, raw edge applique, and shading with Inktense pencils.
Barn wood frame made by Amish farmers. 8"x10
Endangered Species Collection
I have always been disturbed by "The Hunt" in African Safaris. Why would anyone kill these beautiful animals to have them stuffed and hung on a wall. Wouldn't it be nicer to hang a Quilt of that animal instead.
Painted on silk and free-motion quilted 26"x46" framed 50"x31"
by Maria Cousins
Aloha Garden
Hand Painted by Angela Posatiere
Free-motion Quilting and Thread Painting by Maria F Cousins
Silk 38"x46"
Florals and Landscapes
Open 7:00 AM – 7:00 PM, 7 days a week.
The Daily Buzz
The Daily Buzz is hand painted on silk with fabric dyes and paints then thread painted, hand and machine embroidered. The center of the flower is all hand done with French knots. The bee, butterfly, wasp and ant were first free-motion machine embroidered and then machine appliquéd on the quilt. The actual voices of the critters are told in Morse code on the radio waves in the background of the sky. A Braille message is also written in French knots on the back of quilt. 16" x 16"
The Dreamy Lemur
Lemurs are family oriented. He is dreaming of his mate which is reflected in his eye. Silk 35"x35"
The Vineyard
Hand Painted Free-motion quilted Silk 43"x 47"
The Herdwick Ram
Herdwick sheep are a distinctive feature of the UK - Lake District landscape and the breed's survival were helped by the author and illustrator Beatrix Potter. Hand painted, silk- 35" x 29"
The Bennington Welcome Center
The original version of this quilt resides at the National Quilt Museum in Paduca, Kentucky. This is a similar but smaller quilt. These unique creatures are native to the island of Madagascar where much of their native rainforest habitat is lost to continuing deforestation. Since the future of lemurs is threatened, around the world researchers and conservation groups are working to ensure their survival through observational research, captive breeding and species reintroduction. They are living at the Castellar Rescue Center in Southern Spain. The Zoo is given animals that are confiscated at the boarder due to black-market trafficking of endangered species coming through Africa. These abandoned animals are given a second chance at life within a spectacular setting of the Alcornocales Natural Park.
...My quilts will be on display until September 25, 2024. I hope you will be able to visit and enjoy them. If you are interested in purchasing an art quilt, please contact me:
Eye Remember
Place Best of show, Mancuso - World Quilt New England 2017
Rajin, was born in a circus that went out of business in Spain and was given to the Castellar Rescue Center and currently lives at Center in a modest but beautifully landscaped space with trees to climb, a waterfall, and a pool to bathe in. His eye reflects the circus he lived in.
Hand painted, silk 38" x 48"