The Cycle- Hawaii
Painted & Quilted by Maria Ferri Cousins
Honorable Mention-Quilt Alliance Playing Favorites 2016 Competition
Auctioned - Sold
Eye See My Beloved
The Cycle
The Cycle
By Maria Ferri
A faded rainbow melts into a bluing sky,
slowly drifting out, absorbing masses of numerous gases.
Accumulating vapors gray and whitish build upon the colored specks.
Then growing pains and whirls ascending blast upon a wilderness
of particles and water vapors splashing lightly within the crest
of the sun’s reflection onovercast.
masses hitting other masses.
Rumbling echoes sounds around them
creating turbulence obscured then smothered.
The fighting stops.
The loser falls
I Found Her
Painted and quilted by Maria Ferri Cousins
Auctioned-Nov 2015
The Cycle- Long Island
First place Long Island Quilter's Society Art Quilts 2016
National Association of Certified Quilt Judges Award of Merit 2016
Quilt and Sewing Fest Of New Jersey Northeast Quilt Competition- Honorable Mention - March 2016
Auctioned-Nov 2017
The Daily Buzz is hand painted on silk with fabric dyes and paints then thread painted, hand and machine embroidered. The center of the flower is all hand done with French knots. The bee, butterfly, wasp and ant were first free -motion machine embroidered and then machine appliquéd on the quilt. The actual voices of the critters are told in Morse code on the radio waves in the background of the sky. The Title of the quilt is also on the back in Braille where the bee and the butterfly are reading with their hands. Try to decipher the message on your own with the tables shown on the quilt label.
All critters have black beaded eyes. The flower petals and the leaves were thread painted and machine embroidered, then double layered for texture and dimension. The boarder was made from left over silk embroidered upholstery fabric embroidered over and attached using a quilt-as-you-go technique.
Eye See My Beloved
This Spanish Royal owl lives in San Roque, Spain. When a brush fire destroyed his habitat in August of 2014, a month later the flower "Our Beloved Naked Ladies" bloomed for the first time in 10 years. The intense heat was needed for the bloom.
The wild life on this planet is precious to us. When tragedy hits sometimes beauty blooms.
2nd Place- Quilt Alliance- The Animals we Love
The Herdwick Ram - Placed 1st ELIQG - Duet Small -Peconic 2015 Show
Herdwick sheep are a distinctive feature of the UK - Lake District landscape and the breed's survival was helped by the author and illustrator Beatrix Potter.